This service includes one professional-quality, colored, interactive app; or CAD model with 3 renderings.
For apps: our design team will design your prototype app with roughly 10 screens that are interactive, resembling how the app may perform in real-life.
For physical: our design team will design your product in the form of a preliminary CAD model, complete with realistic materials and interaction points, and three accompanying high-quality, lifelike product rendering photos.
Excellent for early-stage products with an established design, in need of beautiful material to functionally and visually describe their idea.Excellent for marketing material, crowdfunding, or sharing with investors.
Preliminary App or 3D Model
After purchasing this service, you will automatically receive a file download with a link to tell us about your product and upload any supporting material.
You’ll receive the results of this service in your inbox in 3-5 business days, along with any Project Plans you’ve purchased.